This day is almost over. Thank God. Bad bad day.
Started off trying to get the Kid up so he could take a shower before school, but as usual, it took almost 45 minutes to get him up and moving. He ate then I got him doing some homework he'd hidden in the back of a notebook. No clue when it was due.
Then about the time Hubby was supposed to arrive at work, he called with a problem that needed my immediate attention. Necessitated me hurrying through chores (milked the 2 goats in under 10 minutes PLUS strained and refrigerated), getting the Kid off to school and jumping in my car with a bag full of clothes. An hour later, I handed them off, did some errands I hadn't planned on doing, run home, unload, fix lunch for Kid who gobbled it down. Then off to his neuro doc but I was frazzled and pulled into the wrong hospital so it took time to get to the right one and the right office. 15 minutes late and they refused to take him. ARGH! Next available appointment is Nov 15 but with his seizures increasing in frequency and intensity daily, I just hate waiting that long. Waitlisted him.
I'm about to have a breakdown.
Bacon in the crockpot. Hubby and Kid can get their own daggone dinner.
I didn't eat healthy today. I had lots of good intentions, but it just wasn't in the cards.
Sure the hairy heck hope tomorrow is better. Because I can't take another day like today.
EDITED AT 8:20 P.M. TO ADD: Wouldn't you know it ... Kid had a grand mal seizure at around 7 p.m. Went in from milking the goats to find Hubby helping the Kid. Must have been the stress of the day. Oh, great.
B: gf cereal, goat milk
S: cheese, rice crackers
L: gf pepperoni pizza
D: bacon and who knows what else he'll grab!
B: protein drink, juice, bar
S: pumpkin and other various nuts and seeds and dried fruits
L: chili, homemade cheese, banana
D: ditto as the Kid's
B: a sip of tea, protein coffee drink, KIND bar
L: chocolate pie, milk
D: no clue if I'll eat or not.
Yet another delay
I honestly started back on my writing, while preparing to get the house
ready to sell and monitoring my son's epilepsy ... then it happened.
Another lump ...
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