Day 59 Thur Too Hot to Be Hungry

Up to pack Hubby's b-fast/lunch and send the berry kefir to mom-in-law. Then I went back to bed to relax and took my blood pressure:

3 Days without BP meds:
BP: 127/84
Pulse: 72

Pretty good, huh? Still no bp meds! E-Mailed the results to my doc (for him to track). Put breakfast in crockpot: 1 cup oats, 2 cups cow milk (using water next time), 1/4 cup (1 oz) crushed pecans. Exercises (new and old). Got Kid up, breakfast while I dressed and got the goat food, then we milked the goat, strained, refrigerated, hay for the goats, checked on the chickens, then weighed.

Weight: 232.8, a loss of 2.4 since Tuesday! Yahoo!

Breakfast: 1/3 of the oatmeal mixture (saving the rest Fri and Sat), add 1/2 scoop whey protein and 1/2 cup strawberries into the oatmeal mixture

Ears and throat and head still hurt so took some pain reliever. Did some paperwork, read some blogs, then...

Exercycle: Burned 100 calories in 10:14 minutes.

Watered the garden and gave the goats and chickens fresh water. Checked for eggs ... none yet.

Inside... food! Desparately! Because I felt weak.

Lunch: 1 large banana, 2 tbsp natural peanut butter, 1/2 cup my homemade goat cheese, 1 strawberry protein drink

I was really only thirsty because it's so hot here (98 degrees) but made myself eat. And it was pretty healthy! Back to my day: killed about a zillion flies in the house, checked e-mails, collected 3 eggs, harvested 2 yellow pear tomatoes and 1 zucchini, worked on a breeding schedule for my goats, talked with a friend about silkie chickens, did a spreadsheet, dishes, laundry and various other things. Didn't even open my book file. Ok ... did it now. I'm hungry.

Snack: strawberry yogurt with 1 tbs dark choc chips

Hit the spot. Got the milk ready to go to Alicia in a little bit. Then worked on my book.

Exercycle: Burned 160 calories in 15:28 minutes

Headache gets worse when I cycle. Wonder why? Took another 2 pain relievers then back to work on the book. Another load of laundry.

Exercycle: burned another 75 calories in 7:27 minutes

That's a total of 335 calories today. More than my goal (not a lot, but some). Sweated a LOT ... it's really hot out today. Hubby home. What to do for dinner? I'm not really hungry, just thirsty, but I know I need to eat. While I drink another iced tea, I'm thinking: I don't have many calories left so ... salad? Nah. That was yesterday. I did just harvest another zuke and couple of tomatoes. I COULD go get some of the green beans but I'm growing them for dried black beans for this winter. We have goat milk cheese. Nah... already had some today. Fruit? Don't like to have fruit this late in the day. I **do** have lots of potatoes that I bought before I started this health thing and they are starting to look kinda funky. We have 3 doz eggs sitting in the fridge ... guess I'll scramble some. How to do it different?

Fried potatoes with onions, scramble in some eggs and grated cheese, and serve with zucchini

Fake out.

That's what I had PLANNED. But by the time we got the goat milked, the milk strained and refrigerated, gave the milk to Alicia's son who was VERY late, hooked up our milk goat to a chain to eat weeds, and cleaned out the adult chicken coop, it was after 7 p.m. Not very hungry and certainly too hot to cook. So...

Dinner: 1/2 large cantaloupe, 1 small but very cold low-sodium V8

Well, at least I'm full, and got all my food groups in for today. Done eating and exercising and working for the day, so I'm gonna shut this down. You can guess what I'll do.. put the goat back in her pen, straighten up, shower, light reading, bed.

I know.. I live such a thrilling life!

Today's Numbers:
Carbs: 148.4
Fat: 53.5
Calories Eaten: 1305.8
Calories burned by exercycle: 335
Calories burned in total for day: 4404


Polar's Mom said...

Hi Vee,

Saw your link on your post on Lyn's page, so I thought I would check your blog.

Congrats on all your great weight loss so far-that is fantastic! As for something in your recent post, I believe people get headaches or they are exacerbated when they exercise because of an increase in BP, and since you are recently off you BP meds, this probably explains your headaches right now. When you get a bit further removed from being off your BP drugs I bet your headaches will go away. At least that is what happened with my mom... Keep up the good work!

Polar's Mom

Vee said...

Thank you, Polar's mom. And welcome! Hope you come back soon, and thanks for the info. I'll keep that in mind as my headaches (hopefully) decrease then disappear. Vee