Day 58 Wed Doc Visit

I woke up feeling a smidgeon better today. Was asleep by 9 or so last night. Vaguely remember Hubby asking where he can find more papertowels. Not even sure I took my supplements last night!

Awoke a bit groggy this morning but feeling a tad better. Packed Hubby's b-fast and lunch (which he later told me wasn't up to par so he went out for a sandwich!) and went back to bed until time to milk the goat. Up, while the Kid ate, so did I:

Breakfast: 3/4 cup Mesa Sunrise cereal, 1/2 cup frozen berries, 3/4 cup cow milk

Milked the goat, strained, refrigerated, then took a quick shower. Dressed, took pix of my critters, packed the camera in my bag, and we left for the 45 min drive to doc's, with steering squeaking due to lack of fluid. Receptionist/check-in-person at my doc's office used to have goats like ours so the pix were for her to look at. Ooh. Ahed. Gave her this blog website address (HI!!!), and went up to the waiting room. My turn... weighed in at 234.3 (!) and pulse was good. Height, well, I shrunk again to 5'6 1/2". Bummer. Back to the exam room where the nurse took my blood pressure: 124/84. What? It had been TWO days since I'd taken my bp meds and this reading was more normal than when I used to be ON my meds! Ah ha!

Then she started to record my weight into the computer and got a red flag! Lost 10% since last weigh-in in April. FORTY POUNDS! She had my last weight as 274.? on April 10 (2010). And as of Sept 2008 I was 281 (didn't go to doc around the time I hit 299 pounds so don't have that recorded there). Anyway, so she and later the doc quizzed me about my weight loss... asking if I'm doing it on purpose, taking drugs, doing it healthy... I answered all of their questions quietly and confidently. Both were amazed and kept interrupting themselves during the course of their exams to exclaim.

Yes, it was quite an ego-booster.

Back to the real world. Got prescription filled, got my steering fixed, bought a blood pressure cuff, and picked up a watermelon and cantaloupe. Stopped at Subway for turkey and olives (no bread or anything else) for Kid for lunch, salad for me for dinner, and footlong sub for Hubby's lunch tomorrow. On home. Unpacked the car, took out the new blood pressure cuff/thingie. Rested for a few while I read the instructions. Took my bp and wow again ... 124/84! Ok, now I know that I can use it accurately, so every morning after I pack Hubby's food for the day and get back to the bedroom, I'm gonna take my bp and e-mail it to my doc. No problem.

Lunch: blueberry yogurt with 1 tbsp dark chocolate chips, 1/2 cup red grapes, 1/2 cup red cherries, 5 raw macadamia nuts

Watered the garden. Let the easter egger chicks out to free-range. Gave some salted peanuts in shells to the goats. Collected 2 eggs.

Exercycle: Burned 100 calories in 11:13 minutes (yeah, a little slow today)

Read a few blogs to catch up. Checked on my chickens and played with them and my goats. Well, until my headache got worse. Fed chickens cheese for their shells. Brought out our doeling to grass outside of the pen (and she bleated and bleated and bleated!). Took a pain reliever then...

Exercycle: burned 200 calories in 22:01 minutes

Intended to work on my own book (been a long time since I've done that and I'm VERY behind) but then mom-in-law called and wanted to chitchat for a while then by the time I hung up from her, Hubby called. Argh! I need to get some work done.

Ok. Tomorrow.

No excuses.

Hubby came home just as I was getting the Kid's pizza crust out (he fills it out himself). Fed some stale bread to the chickens and goats. Collected another egg. Milked the goat, strained, refrigerated. Fed the chickens and played with them a little while.

Dinner: salad from subway (lettuce, spinach, cucumber, tomato, onion, turkey), added 2 boiled eggs, 1/3 yellow squash, bluecheese dressing and THEN because I still had lots of calories left, I had a frozen fruit treat (frozen berries mixed with vanilla goat milk and frozen in a popsicle mold) and another 1 tbsp of dark choc chips.

Just realized we forgot to give the goats some more hay and now it's dark. Well, dang. Guess I'll do it tomorrow morning.

I'm done. I didn't eat enough calories but I'm full and just can't think of anything else that I want.

Today's Numbers:
Carbs: 134.7
Fat: 66.8
Calories eaten: 1385.0
Calories burned on exercycle: 300
Calories burned total for today: 4482


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

*Very* rewarding feedback from the doctor and nurse. I had to practically beg my GP to acknowledge my weight loss. :(

Glad you're feeling better! Let's hope it continues!

Scuttleboose said...

Sounds like a great day! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for a great weigh in at the doctors office! :D