Week 4's New Habit: Supplements

I realize I haven't taken my multi-vitamins and other supplements in quite a while. Not even my fish oil. Anyway... in addition to past weeks' habit changes...

Week 1: replace all drinks to caffeine-free tea, 100% juice, milk or water
Week 2: continue to add to support system (like through this blog)
Week 2: reduce how many times we eat out or take in meals (1/wk)
Week 3: gluten-free

Here's the new habit / life change:
take supplements daily

One little habit change at a time, right?


Deborah said...

Good job on forming new habits!! I have to admit I only remember my supplements about, oh, once a month. Can I use Alzheimer's as an excuse?

Ron said...

Great goal and habits to have, go for it!

Anonymous said...

That reminds me, I forgot my vitamins yesterday! (Weekends are so hard...)

Vee said...

Deborah: Alzheimers? I forget... what's that?!

Thanks for the comments. I just finished organizing my supplements. We have little pill containers (1 for a.m. and 1 for p.m.), and I do a week at a time. Hubby does his too, so we will remind each other. I just took my morning supplements and dag, my stomach feels full.

Hmmmm.... Vee