Day 19's Meals and Exercise

A little late but here's Friday's update:

-strawberry yogurt

-2 baked eggs
-handful fresh blackberries

-handful of dark chocolate M&Ms

Hubby twisted arm so we went out for an early Valentine's Day - Outback!
-blue cheese and pecan salad
-half portion ribs
-sweet potato
-water to drink

-ordered chocolate thunder - gluten-free dessert - to go from Outback and all three of us ate them while watching ghost whisperer last night.

-doggy curls - 10 on each arm

Goal Check:
-No sodas? Check
-Eat out/Order in Once Per Week: Ate at Outback
-Gluten-Free? Check

Notes: We felt since Saturday was Valentine's Day and we'll be taking Mom-In-Law to Village Inn, that he wanted a little time as a family last night. Thus, the Outback. But I stuck with the gluten-free food, and I really don't consider it cheating. It is a special time. I'm perfectly ok with it.

I'm still itchy and still have diarhea but can definitely feel a difference in my body already. Perhaps I've really been need this gluten-free approach for a long time!


Lori said...

Good job on the gluten-free eating. That is really tough! Gluten sneaks in where you least expect it.

Learning to be Less said...

Hello! I just discovered your blog. Good for you on working to get healthy. I started my journey in July 2008. Is it hard? Yes, but it is also freeing I think.

Change can be good. I look forward to following your journey as well.

Good luck to you my fellow weight loss soldier.