Day 12's Meals and Exercise

Friday was a quiet day working...

-peanut butter and apricot all-fruit on wheat bread

-cashews (brought upstairs by son)
-about 10 fresh blackberries

We ate out - our first and last this week - planned. Fuddruckers:
-swiss-cheeseburger with lots of lettuce and onion
-fries with catsup
-tea with NO sugar (YUCK)

-got raspberry chocolate ice cream on the way home from King Soopers - ate 1 small bowl.

NO dark chocolate HERSHEY!

Exercise and Notes:
-was involved with writing today so barely moved from the computer. and, since I got only about 3 hours of sleep last night, I did take another nap this afternoon. did a lot of walking in wal-mart - needed a replacement bread maker for mom-in-law and more all-fruit preserves.

Goal Check:
-no sodas? Check, although I had to pass on root beer!!!
-no ordering in or going out? Nope - Fuddruckers.

I'll do better now that I have eaten out.

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