First, thanks for the support yesterday. It was hard, but I'm through it. The wheat really killed my tummy (let's just say I "trotted" to the bathroom this morning), and gave me a rash (I have a gluten-intolerance called "dermatitis herpetiformis" which is skin problem caused by gluten.) I have scars all over me from this rash that I've had nearly all of my life. So... for the first 48 days of this "getting healthy life plan", I was gluten-free. Starting again here, on Day 50.
Despite my eating that half of a loaf of homemade bread, I lost weight. Probably because of my tummy problem, and possibly because I did around 40 minutes on the exercycle last night, burning 300 calories.
So... today's weigh-in is 237.2, a loss of 1.8 pounds since Saturday. Here's a thought: I was VERY motivated last night to bike to get rid of some of the damage of the bread. Why can't I do that on a regular basis? I'm gonna give it a shot today.
Today: Up early to pack Hubby's breakfast and lunch (yes, he took the remaining half loaf) and the cooler for mom-in-law (homemade goat cheese, a dozen home-laid eggs, and TWO loaves of homemade bread ... 2 because I'm not doing it again for a while). Sick to my stomach. Back to bed until time to get Kid up to milk. He had breakfast and filled up the grain for the goat (she eats while I milk her). Milked, strained, refrigerated. Breakfast.
Breakfast: 2 pieces bacon, 1 fiber-one strawberry yogurt, 1/2 cup red grapes, 11 red cherries, 3/4 peach (started to go bad)
I worked on my Kid's schoolwork for a while, then went outside to check on the chickens and get all the livestock fresh water. Moved some of the chickens to the new kennel we put up the other day, with a small dog crate for shelter, some food and they can get to water in the kennel nextdoor. Back inside, e-mailed hubby about what I did, got some water to drink, and started on the exercycle.
Exercycle: Burned 100 calories in 10:38 minutes
Chilled with son for a while. Then we went out to do chores: he watered our newly planted trees and squash/cantaloupe pool and I got hay for the "new" chicken coop. I also moved one more chicken to that coop and a waterer. Collected 1 egg. Fixed lunch.
Lunch: an Amy's shepherd's pie (not very tasty and not very big). So I also ate 1 cup cottage cheese, and 5 macadamia nuts (raw, unsalted)
Did some schoolwork with son. Checked on the chickens. Decided they didn't have enough shade so I safety-pinned a sheet across the back portion of their "kennel". Weeded. Made sure everyone had hay, food, water. Collected 1 more egg. Inside to check craigslist for a truck topper that might work for a winter home for the goats. Plan to see one this evening. Did some other computer work.
Exercycle: Burned 100 calories in 9:47 minutes
Then I got hungry.
Dinner: 2 breakfast sausage links, 2 cups puffed rice cereal, 1 cup goat milk, 2 strawberries (sliced into the cereal), 1 homegrown yellow squash, 1 low sodium V8
Read a little of "Witch and Wizard" by James Patterson. Let one chicken out to roam around (Cream, who gets pecked on by a bully). Milked, strained, refrigerated. Hubby came home. His mom appreciated the eggs, cheese and 2 breads, and is ok with me not providing any more for a while. Put Cream back in her pen then off to see the truck topper. I think it's gonna work. Gonna go back tomorrow because we got there just at dusk which was too dark to see much and too many mosquitos came out. Home. Did a little something in the new chicken pen and played with our goats in the dark (they were totally confused!). Hungry.
Snack: yogurt and chocolate chips
Exercycle: Burned 100 calories in 9:36 minutes
Calculated calories and blogged while Hubby did 30 minutes on the exercycle. After I'm done here, I'm taking a quick de-stink-i-fy shower and hitting the hay.
Today's Numbers:
Carbs: 145.7
Fat: 53.6
Calories: 1377.4
Total calories burned on exercycle: 300!!
= = = =
Did much better today. Just can't think about fresh homemade bread, or some of these other things that are my downfall. Not yet. Maybe once I've figured out how to be strong-willed (about food ... about many other things, I already am).
Yet another delay
I honestly started back on my writing, while preparing to get the house
ready to sell and monitoring my son's epilepsy ... then it happened.
Another lump ...
What a great turn around! Congrats! :)
I love how hard you work and with such a great sense of who you are. Your blog makes me smile, even if it doesn't always mean you're happy, if that makes sense. Glad you've got that recumbent bike where you can be distracted. Concentrating on exercise is NOT my strong suit :) LOL
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