Day 24 Thurs Food and Thoughts

Added more pictures to the right towards the bottom. You might be surprised at the oldest one!

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Breakfast: 2 pieces cinnamon french toast with spreadable-just-fruit, handful almonds

Lunch: red cherries, red grapes, 3 oz beef w/dab of b-b-q sauce (see pix - didn't realize 3 oz of meat which is the proper portion size -- is soooo small! First pic shows the meat on the scale and second pic shows the meat on the small plate with a fork to show size. OMG! And someone please explain to me why eating healthy is soooo expensive! We're already almost out of the fresh fruit that I spent $45 on last weekend. Need to get more and payday is another week away.)

PLANNED: Dinner: carrots, 2 eggs scrambled with mushrooms, peppers, onions and mozz cheese (hubby gets his in a flour tortilla)

Exercise: 10 minutes exercycle, 20 minutes of exercises, 10 minutes exercycle while watching Dr. Oz!

Drank: green tea all day and some lime-juice-ice-water

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I have finally started to feel different.

When I started in January 2009, I was 299 pounds. How did I get that way? Yes, I love to eat, and I like watching TV. I didn't eat gallons of ice cream at a time. I didn't have binges. I played with my son. I worked as a nanny taking care of other young kids. True, I was really poor so I bought healthy stuff for my son and ate the cheaper junk food for me. But still.... !!!

How did I get so fat?

Yep, I've been so very large for so very long, that I wasn't sure about losing the weight. I mean, believing that I could do it. Struggling to breathe as I walk down to the end of the drive. Lifting fat out of the way to properly clean myself. Hating those holiday family picture opportunities. Embarrassed to have sweets or fattening products in my grocery cart.

I'm not sure I even believed in my weight loss as recently as last week. I saw the numbers dropping on the scale, but it still didn't register. Yeah, I'm losing! But I didn't see it in the mirror or in my clothes or how I felt.

Then I took my measurements earlier this week. OMG! What? I've lost how much? There?

Suddenly, I looked at myself a little different. I didn't need to move around quite as much fat to clean myself. I didn't struggle to breathe as much when I walked down our steep backyard to the garden and goats and chickens. Migraines reduced from 4-5 times a week to 1-2. Clothes I wear regularly seem to be a little lose. And I don't walk like a morbidly obese person as much.


Maybe I **can** do this. Maybe getting healthy isn't out of the realm of possibility. Maybe if I increase my exercising while continuing to eat healthy (more fruits and veggies, be gluten-free, more protein and less carbs) then the fat will continue to go out into the atmosphere.

Today, instead of working on a book I'm writing or working on my Kid's schoolwork for this coming year, I created a picture-cheat-sheet of the exercise I plan to do/build up to. Used pictures found on my favorite pic site: I printed it out and put it in a binder where I keep everything important to me, that I open up and refer to several times a day. Feel free to use it if you want.

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Sent the following just now because I watch Dr. Oz when I get a chance, often these days on the exercycle:

Just wanted to let Dr. Oz know that I watch his show when I can, and am finding the diet/getting healthy segments helpful. I weighed 299 pounds in January 2009, stopped dieting in October 2009 at weight 270 (various reasons including swine flu) and started back up again June 29 2010 at weight 264.6 lbs. Since then I've been working really hard, and in the last 3 1/2 weeks, I've lost another 17.6 lbs to be at 247 lbs this morning. I am regularly increasing my tolerance of exercise and eating healthy. I also blog daily about it ( My goal is a size 12 dress, at 178-180 lbs, and I'm about halfway there. I'm certainly no diet guru, and am not asking to make an appearance on his show. Just a thanks to Dr Oz for his regular diet segments; it helps, although I know no one can do this besides me.

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I am taking my son to the doctor tomorrow because his big toes look infected (had ingrown toenail surgery at the end of May [June?] and they aren't healing) so I asked my doctor's office to schedule blood work for me at the same time. Now that my weight is dropping and I'm eating healthy, I'm curious about my numbers. So... I am eating a little breakfast (probably a homemade protein smoothie) at 4:30 in the morning coz I can't eat 8-10 hours prior to blood being drawn (fasting blood work). Here's hoping my triglycerides are down (was 1200), and my cholesterol, potassium levels, blood sugar, etc. are better.

Good luck and healthy-living to us all.

1 comment:

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

You're doing so well! My fingers are crossed for good blood results!