Don't let the post's title mislead you. There's no junk in there ... at least, none that I'm interested in. A few grocery-store burritos that Hubby likes to eat, and maybe a pot pie at the bottom. What I **do** plan to cook and eat is: berries, ground meat, bacon, gf pizza dough, and similar items. So I need to clean out the freezer.


Because in August, we're going to be butchering some of our chickens, and I'll need room for them in the freezer! Plus, I've started my garden (indoor seedlings so far) but we'l be growing lots of squash, corn, beans, and hopefully some berries too. Many of those will be dehydrated for storage, but some will be frozen or canned. So I'm gonna clean out the freezer today. Go through what we have. Sort. Figure out what I can cook this week, or over the next 4 months. Etc.

I have an electric cooler that can handle some of the food while I sort through things. Gonna inventory and tape to the freezer. Then put all that's still good back in the freezer. Mark off the inventory as I use. Hopefully, it will be completely empty by the end of July so I can defrost. Not exactly excited about the butchering but now that my Kid has decided to start eating chicken again (at least, MY chicken) so we're gonna need a LOT more space!

Side note: was just watching a commercial for an italian restaurant where they were planning to come back the next day for lunch again. Got me thinking: I have NEVER been in a restaurant where I've thought to myself: I have to come back tomorrow for the same thing. Wow. Something to think about. After all, I love certain restaurants, and I love to eat and yeah, it shows, but never having that thought about coming back the next day ... doesn't that show at least SOME restraint? Some strength of character?

Just a thought.


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