Week 2's New Habit: Reduce Eating Out/Support System

I'm adding two changes to my life for this week. So.... in addition to past week's...

Week 1: replace all drinks to herbal caffeine-free tea, 100% juice, milk or water

...for Week 2, I'm adding...

continue to add to support system (like through this blog)

reduce how many times we eat out or take in meals

Money is the biggest motivation for the second one. We ate out/took in way too much last week. It's hard to not overindulge when we bring it home, especially when we order delivery for ribs! Plus the food is full of salt and preservatives, and who knows what else.


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

You are off to a GREAT start! Fwiw, I started with similar goals, just changing a little thing here and another thing there. It's amazing how making those changes made me more aware of the other areas that needed improving or changing. It really WILL work if you keep going like you're going now! I've got pompoms and am ready to cheer you on"! :)

Vee said...

Thank you so much! I appreciate the thoughts. Just gotta keep remembering, one day at a time.